A Common Sense Vision to Move Huntington Beach Forward

“My top priority is addressing the core needs of our community — addressing aging infrastructure, tackling homelessness with compassion and effective solutions, enhancing the well-being of every resident, and restoring peace and functionality to our city governance.

We need leaders at City Hall devoted to serving residents and solving problems.

Together, we can put an end to the division and chaos, reclaim our Surf City, and move forward toward a brighter future that we can all be proud of.”

Focusing on Residents, Not National Politics or Culture Wars

As a native of Huntington Beach, I know the values that make up the fabric of our community. We are a vibrant, welcoming city, celebrated not just for its waves but for its warmth and community spirit. Yet, by supporting book bans, privatization of public services, and frivolous and costly lawsuits, the extreme council majority has spent their energy promoting their beliefs on national politics and culture wars in an effort to divide us.

I believe that residents deserve better and that we can accomplish so much more when we work in an environment of cooperation, not conflict. As your city councilmember, I’ll continue to take action to stop the chaos, restore our city’s reputation, and ensure City Hall returns to its true purpose: responding to critical local issues and delivering meaningful solutions to improve the lives of HB residents.

Public Safety

We must support our first responders, including both the Police Department and Fire Department, by providing them with the resources, training, wellness support, and tools they need to effectively protect and serve our community. This means investing in modern equipment, ensuring adequate staffing levels, supporting ongoing professional development, and providing wellness support. In addition to physical resources, fostering strong relationships between our first responders and the community is essential.

All families in Huntington Beach deserve to feel safe and protected. The safety of our city depends on a well-supported and well-connected network of first responders who are empowered to respond swiftly and effectively to any situation. I’ll continue my dedication to championing policies that strengthen our Police and Fire departments and make Huntington Beach a safer and stronger city.

Quality Housing and Reducing Homelessness

Nearly every community in California is experiencing a housing crisis, and Huntington Beach is no exception. This challenge requires a balanced, results-driven approach that strives to make housing accessible while preserving neighborhood character. That’s why I’m committed to expanding housing options by fostering partnerships between the public sector, private developers, and nonprofit organizations to ensure residents can keep affording to live here.

Additionally, the ongoing and costly litigation being led by the extreme council majority and City Attorney is unproductive and a waste of taxpayer dollars, and it needs to stop.

We need to continue tackling homelessness through a connected and collaborative system of care that addresses the root causes of homelessness and provides sustainable solutions based in compassion and dignity.

Before earning the support of our community to serve on the council in 2020, I was involved in efforts to fight homelessness as a volunteer for Homeless United HB, an organization that brought together nonprofits, local government, and community members to help seek and implement solutions that get people off the street, navigate them into housing, and provide the supportive services and care they need.

As your Councilmember, I was actively involved in initiating and supporting the Be Well Mobile Crisis Response Program in Huntington Beach. This innovative program was designed to provide immediate mental health crisis intervention and support for all members of our community — both housed and unhoused .

Protecting our Library and Improving our Quality of Life

Public institutions like our local library are cornerstones of our community, and they deserve protection and enhancement. Unfortunately, the current council majority has turned our library into a battleground for political agendas, pushing for censorship and even exploring privatization.

As a mom to two kids and as a resident who has lived here for more than 40 years, I recognize our library as an invaluable local resource. It’s an amazing public asset and a renowned architectural landmark that so many families and youth rely on for recreation and learning. I will continue to stand alongside our community in the fight against censorship, and I fully support our librarians and staff in keeping the library a public, world-class, accessible space for all residents.

City Hall needs to do more to address quality-of-life issues and improve aging infrastructure. We must invest in maintaining and upgrading our roads, technology, and public services to support the long-term needs of our community. Enhancing quality of life means protecting public institutions, maintaining parks, and ensuring our city remains a welcoming place for everyone. This is why I have used my voice as a Councilmember to focus on local, pertinent issues that affect our community every day.

Responsibly Managing Our Tax Dollars

Fiscal responsibility and good governance are crucial for local government to effectively serve the community it represents. We need a strategy to address looming budget deficits that includes generating revenue through economic development and improving efficiency while avoiding unnecessary litigation.

Protecting Our Environment and Promoting Sustainability

As the former Chair of the City's Environmental Board and the driving force behind the proposed Sustainability Master Plan, I have consistently advocated for long-term, eco-friendly solutions for Huntington Beach. Unfortunately, the council majority has dissolved the Environmental Board, but that won't stop my commitment to protecting our natural resources.

We live in a city that thrives on the beauty of its beaches, wetlands, and open spaces. We must preserve these resources for future generations. As your Councilmember, I will continue pushing for smart policies that promote sustainability, reduce our carbon footprint, and enhance the health of our local ecosystem. By proposing initiatives like the Sustainability Master Plan, I’m committed to ensuring Huntington Beach becomes a responsible environmental steward while creating a healthier and more sustainable future for all residents.

Enhancing Accessibility for All Residents

Huntington Beach should be a city that is accessible to everyone. That’s why I’ve championed initiatives like the Mobi Mat beach access pathway, which provides easier access to the beach for people with mobility challenges, including seniors and individuals with disabilities. Additionally, I have proposed that we become a Certified Autism Tourist Destination, ensuring our city is inclusive and welcoming to families and individuals with diverse needs.

Improving accessibility throughout our city, from public spaces to recreational areas, is critical to ensuring that all residents and visitors can fully enjoy everything Huntington Beach has to offer. I will continue advocating for policies and programs that make our city more inclusive and accessible to everyone.