Standing Up for What’s Right


“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

—Ruth Bader Ginsberg

A photo of me holding a sign that says Organize, Resist, Agitate, Protect from my personal Facebook page has been vastly misconstrued by my opponents. That picture was taken at a peaceful protest, the Women’s March in January 2017. It was a very different time in our country, and for me personally. I had just been through a year of battling breast cancer (note the short hair). I had never been to any kind of march or protest. I felt new hope at that moment, as others came to support kindness, too. Two of the words on the sign in particular — Resist and Agitate— seem to be trigger words for some. Here’s what the words meant to me:

Resist – “to oppose or fight against someone or something.” For me, in 2017, it was about standing up against racism, misogyny and anti-science. I refuse to be silent and stand by while our country, my kids’ futures, and our planet are put at risk.

Agitate – “to campaign to arouse public concern about an issue in the hope of prompting action.” I believe in nonviolent resistance and peacebuilding. In 2017, we hadn’t yet experienced social unrest and protests in Portland and other major cities. I never condone violence, destruction of property or looting. To be frank, seeing my peaceful protest image on a flyer with flames and destruction behind it was truly horrifying and moved me to tears.

Organize – “to gather (people) into a group that will work on something together.” For me, the Women’s March was the catalyst to start showing up for our community. I was motivated to help build bridges and create opportunities for our city to practice having civil conversations. I’m best at using my skills, experience, and ability to build and create, not just to fight against something. The month after this photo was taken, I applied and was appointed to the HB Human Relations Task Force by Jill Hardy and Lyn Semeta. From there, I just kept getting more and more involved in our community, from the HB Interfaith Council, to the homeless issue. 

Protect – “to keep safe from harm or injury.” The first thing this word evokes for me is being a mom. I want to protect not only my own family, but also our community and nation. I am a patriot and believe in my country. In this photo, I was fighting against what I believed to be hurting it. This word also brings to mind the police who put their lives on the line to protect us. I don’t support “defunding” the police, as some have claimed. I support police reform, including increased transparency and accountability, expanding social services to allow officers to do the job they were hired to do, and a review of de-escalation policies and training procedures. I will continue to protect our democracy and work to keep Huntington Beach safe, inclusive and welcoming. 

If you’d like to fully understand my mindset at the time this photo was taken, please read this blog post that expresses the reasons I am running for City Council today:

“I Must Lift My Voice…It Is My Obligation,” January 28, 2017